At Adrenalin Park you may discover a lot of elements intended to be environmentally firendly and to naturally integrate the activity in the given landscape. From the organic architecture of the chalet, up to the educational games about the local flora and fauna or the daily maintenance systems, Adrenalin Park’s philosophy is to educate by example and good practice. In this article we will focus on the ecological solution for clearing and reusing wastewater: the biological wastewater treatment plant with mud recirculation.
The complete wastewater treatment plant set at Adrenalin Park respects the highest quality and security standards for waste water treatment processes in natural environments. The quality parameters of the effluent allow its reuse and evacuation directly in the soil, subject to rational and efficient use.
By design and by its way of functionning, the wastewater treatment plant is an efficient ecological product, where it is forbidden to introduce toxic agents or biacids, since these may obstruct the water clearing process due to the diminished action of the bacteria. Therefore, the process in this water treatment plant is purely ecological.
The functioning of the installation is optimized via a microprocessor that controls the filtering and clearing processes in 5 steps: feeding, aeration, sedimentation, evacuation of cleared water and evacuation of spare mud.
You must also note that the cleared water is being evacuated in a collector tank. From this point the water is being pumped through an UV sanitation system to the toilet water tanks, thus minimizing the clear water consumption.
By implementing such a system, Adrenalin Park is directly contributing at the protection of the surroundings by a sustainable growth of comfort and life quality in an exceptional natural environment.
We are further encouraging pupils, students , teachers, parents, grandparents and all visitors to ask us about the project, about how we work and about how we promote a healthy lifestyle in the contemporary ecosystem.
An ecological attitude also foresees the respect of a few basic principles:
1.Saving resources: at Adrenalin Park we strive to save electric and thermical agents; we also try to control daily water flow; we practice selective waste collection and we recycle as much as we can.
2.Sustainable use of materials: for the general maintenance of the adventure park we use where possible non-polluting materials and materials that come from a sustainable process.
3.Healthy lifestyle: throughout the activities proposed in and around Adrenalin Park we focus on promoting an active lifestyle in the middle of nature. What’s more, we try to bring to the public’s attention activities designed for learning about the environment – the flora, the fauna and the natural phenomena of this area.
4.Intelligent design: by the organic architecture of the Adrenalin Park chalet, the adventure park and its canopy courses naturally integrates in the environment. From the construction point of view all the principles of the organic architecture and of environment protection have been respected.
5.Unique surroundings: situated in the middle of Făget forest, Adrenalin Park draws attention on the unique elements of the protected area in the Feleac massif. We are actively involved in maintaining a clean area and in educating the public that practices tree climbing, biking and hiking at and near Adrenalin Park.
Hoping that you will appreciate our attitude towards the environment and the community, we invite you to enjoy the adventure in the middle of the nature! More information at: 0732 040 434.