Rates at ADRENALIN PARK are set for a pre-established time of activity and include all the mandatory equipment: safety helmet, climbing harness with carabineers and pulley system.

Category Aventure park access Extra hour Artificial climbing (extra)
2 hours 1 hour 20 minutes
Aerial courses & ziplines Climbing wall or tree (*amateurs)
Adults 90 lei 43 lei 30 lei
Pupils / Students / Seniors 85 lei 40 lei 30 lei
Kids (<140 cm) 80 lei 37 lei 30 lei
Family (2 Adults + 2 Kids) 290 lei 145 lei 50 lei
+ 1 child 45 lei
Accompanying Guests 6 lei
Jacob’s Ladder
(for 2 persons, >14 years) 
45 lei
(20 min)
35 lei
Artificial climbing
(30 minutes )
(Climbing wall or tree)
50 lei
Team Adventure
(min. 5 pers, max. 1 h)
185 lei
  • The prices are per person, except the special Family ticket and the climbing wall and tree tickets.
  • The Family tickets will be issued for families formed of 2 adults and 2 children. If there are more than 2 kids per family, for the rest the ticket will cost 43 lei/child.
  • Pupils, students and seniors have a special discount.
  • The discounts will be allowed only when you present a pupil, student or retired person card.
  • No extra discounts will be applied over the existing discounts, per category.
  • The prices include 9% VAT.
  • The prices are expressed in LEI (RON) and they represent the fee for 2 hours of adventure in the adventure park.
  • The prices may be regularly adjusted according to the national and international economical context.
  • The prices from the Adult category are available for groups smaller than 10 persons. Groups may have special discounts only when they are larger than 10 members.
  • Partners and supervisor are persons that supervise or look over children, pupils and other public categories on the rope courses.
  • Partners and supervisor ought to wear protection equipment (helmet).
  • We recommend to wear protective gloves on some rope courses. You can buy gloves (different sizes, different types) also in the park.
  • For groups larger than 10 persons, we recommend to make a booking in advance.

Adrenalin Park Multipass

ADRENALIN PARK MULTIPLE PASSES are set for 10 sessions of 2 hours and include all the necessary equipment: safety helmet, harness with safety carabineers and pulley.


Category Rate / Multipass for 10 session of 2h
Adults multipass 765 lei
Kids & Juniors multipass (> 140 cm)
720 lei
Kids & Juniors multipass (< 140 cm) 675 lei
Family multipass
(2 adults + 2 kids)
2430 lei
  • The rates are expressed per multipass.
  • The family multipass is issued for families of 2 adults and 2 kids. If there are more than 2 kids in a family, additional individual kids multipasses will be paid for them.
  • Kids and juniors, pupils and students, seniors have special discounted rates .
  • No extra discounts will be applied over the existing discounts. The multipass itself is already a discounted offer.
  • The multipass rates already include 9% VAT.
  • Multipass rates are expressed in lei and stand for 10 sessions of 2 hours in the adventure park.
  • The multipass rates may be regularly adjusted according to the national and international economical context.

Prices for gloves

For a better adventure experience we recommend to wear protective gloves:

Category Price / unit
Technical Gloves NA
Disposable Gloves 10 lei
  • Prices are expressed in lei and inlude 19% VAT
  • Technical gloves are available in multiple sizes for kids and adults.
  • Disposable gloves are available in only one size.

Adrenalin Park Souvenirs and Gifts

One of the most loved souvenirs is the Adrenalin Park T-shirt.
As a nice surprise for friends and loved ones, you may offer a tree climbing adventure session or a multiple pass and a cool T-Shirt:

Category Price/unit
Adrenalin Park T-shirt (kids / adults, in different sizes) 50 lei
Adrenalin Park Carabineer keychain (with bottle opener) 12 lei
Adventure session (2 or 3 hours) from 75 to 85 lei / 2h session
from 112 to 128 lei / 3h session
  • Prices are expressed in lei
  • T-shirts are available in different sizes for kids and adults
  • GIFT Adventure Session may be purchased at the Reception or online and you will receive an elegant envelope with a  nice printed invitation that you can offer to your friends and loved ones.